Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Off the Hook

How different can your life be?  Going off the hook and living a cleaner, greener, life has its challenges, but what an amazing way to live!  The s/v Dulcinea is equipped with solar panels, wind generator, water maker and solar oven that allow us to be as self sufficient as we choose. 

We have now been "off the hook" for the past 2 weeks, making our own energy while maintaining a regimented vigil on our usage.

Today, I was able to rid myself of more "stuff."  My Oster electric tea kettle, electric fry skillet and coffee pot, YES, the coffee pot is gone.  I have conquered the challenge of making a GOOD pot of coffee on the stove!

Day by day, we are getting closer to actually fitting on the boat.  Still a few more things to sort through and, although it has taken us a month, we are settling in quite well.

It's off to watch another episode of Gilligan's Island on our solar charged laptop before bedtime.

1 comment:

  1. Just wondering how you're making out with the solar oven when you're boat swings at anchor. We left Toronto with one but gave it away in Georgia to a dirt dweller. Good luck
